Europlaz are pleased to announce that Frede Jensen has joined our expanding team. Frede is no stranger to medical devices and has in the past held a R&D role at Europlaz.
Frede has 20 years engineering and operations management experiences in the medical devices field. He studied electronics, mechatronics and thermo fluid dynamics at Degree level. Back in the 1980s, he worked for a period as a qualified A&E Nurse in military hospitals, where he monitored ventilated patients and gained first-hand experience of the clinical procedures.
It was inevitable that Frede would end up specialising in respiratory care devices, amongst other things. Most recently, in 2020, he designed and qualified an award-winning lung protective volume mode ventilator, matched to the compromised infrastructure and skills level in the Covid-19 disaster hospital.
Frede’s past roles have also included Innovation, R&D and Regulatory Affairs management in a variety of other medical device fields, allowing him to bring a rich set of transferable knowledge and skills to Europlaz.
Using Frede’s experience and knowledge, Europlaz looks forward to expanding its respiratory flow sensing product range, which already includes the innovative infant flow sensor with an integrated port for sidestream carbon dioxide monitoring.
Welcome to the team Frede!
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